Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Hey there everybody! Welcome to the E Hero Spot! This blog is all about the pros and cons of playing Yu-Gi-Oh in a small town with few players. So for an idea of who is writing this blog, I go by Hero because it's pretty much the only type of deck I play. I'm in my early 20's and my Yugi-peers are too. We play at Game Nights on the local campus every Tuesday, but not all of us are students. It's open to the community so anyone can come play games. The biggest crowd right now is Magic The Gathering, but our smaller Yu-Gi-Oh community will grow once we have a few events.
My intentions with this blog is to make at least one post a week on Tuesdays about any deck types I try and how well they do and also discuss the method of getting cards in this area. I know I can't promise to post every week, but I'll give it my best shot. Commenting this and following me will definitely give me a reason to keep on posting.
So my next blog will be about the deck I built and played Tuesday and hopefully set the flow for my next few posts. Remember to follow me on twitter  @LastRPGHero for my updates.

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