Friday, September 14, 2012

Scorpion Heroes

Scorpion Heroes v1.0

Hey everyone! I've been away on a business trip and haven't had much time for updating. So I was trying to make an Alien Hero deck as a Ben 10 Tribute, and while digging through my rares, I found a few copies of this Level 4 Monster called "Gemini Scorpion." Most of the people who pulled him as their rare in Stardust Overdrive were probably feeling some butthurt, but hey, I've got a new use for this guy. So without further stalling, it's HERO Time!

Monsters: 11
E-Hero Bubbleman *3
E-Hero Alius *3
E-Hero Stratos
Evocator Chevalier
Gemini Scorpion *2
Photon Thrasher
Spells: 17
Dark Hole 
E-Call *2
Gemini Spark *3
Heavy Storm
Miracle Fusion *2
Monster Reborn
MST *2
Pot of Duality *2
Super Polymerization *2
Traps: 12
Bottomless Trap Hole *2
Call of the Haunted *2
Hero Blast *2
Solemn Judgement 
Solemn Warning *2
Starlight Road
Torrential Tribute *2
Extra Deck: 15
Dragon Knight Draco Equiste
E-Hero Absolute Zero *2 

E-Hero Escuridao

E-Hero Gaia
E-Hero Great Tornado
E-Hero Nova Master
E-Hero The Shining
Stardust Dragon
Blade Armor Ninja
Gem-Knight Pearl
Heroic Champion Excalibur
Shock Master

Gemini Scorpion is a Level 4 Earth type Warrior with a decent ATK of 1600. His effect is what makes him so good. Whenever he is put on the field (normal or special summon) he lets you drop another Gemini Monster from your hand. And who's our most (and only) abused Gemini Monster in the HERO archetype? Alius, of course!

To make this build, I started with the typical XYZ Hero Build. Photon Thrasher is a great card and all, but if you get more than one in hand, he becomes cloggy and when you draw into him mid-game while you have field presence, the best you can do with him is discard for the cost of Super Polymerization- so for this build, we're only gonna run one copy of Photon Thrasher. This opens up a bit more room.

This deck is going to have a slightly larger monster count. Instead of just the seven HERO cards and Thrasher, we're gonna run two copies of Gemini Scorpion. With two of this guy, it would be nice to always have use with him so I added in one Evocator Chevalier. Nothing against Crusader of Endymion, he's a cool card..but we've got plenty of light targets. If we put it the Chevalier, that means we don't lose any attack points and gain access to Nova Master via Miracle Fusion. And Nova Master means more draw power!

This deck has the capability to make a first turn Shock Master! Photon Thrasher can lead things off then dropping your Gemini Scorpion to Special Summon Alius or Chevalier. All these cards can be searched for via ROTA and a well placed Bubbleman can make up for anything being missed. Alternatively, if you have a monster heavy hand, you can make two Rank 4 XYZs relatively quickly.

With two Call of the Haunteds, you can easily abuse Gemini Scorpion plays. Make sure you have a Gemini Monster in your hand either by having drawn into it, getting Alius back with Hero Blast or Shining's effect. I considered putting Pot of Avarice in here to put back all the used up XYZ monsters and add a bit of draw power, but for now my build doesn't use it. Another considerable option is using The Warrior Returning Alive. Either card would do the trick but I don't think the deck would perform that well with slow cards like those. Maybe once I've played this deck a while and get a better feel for it, I'll attempt to work those in to replace the Pot of Dualities. Dualities add the extra draw power that this deck needs, but this deck focuses on multiple Special Summoning per turn. I'll post another entry once I've gotten to play test this both on Dueling Network and against the local players here in my area. 

Happy Dueling guys!

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